Missions, Vision, Values

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Who we are: Activists, experts, public figures, social workers, crisis specialists, doctors, lawyers, citizens with high social responsibility, artists, etc. without restrictions on race, religion, political affiliation, gender and sexual orientation united under the common idea of the protection of the most valuable resources on the planet – life, health and the future of generations.
What is our goal: Prevention of global crises and overcoming them by taking rapid, adequate and justified measures, which through non-discriminatory actions really lead to the normalization of life and ensure the continuation of human existence.
Our Way : Proper analysis and expert assessment of all aspects of current challenges and crisis situations in all regions of the planet. The objective assessment of the impact on society, the development of strategies for mitigating crises and damage, using the entire scientific resource, as well as creating open interactive platforms for communication and discussion of possible measures and their impacts. Coordination with national and international organizations in order to support state and nationally responsible institutions. After the adoption of packages of actions and measures and the interactive inquiry and approval of the population through all possible social platforms and a clear explanation of each step, we move on to implementation. The implementation is carried out by the regional units under absolute online transparency and reporting every hour! As regional structures, they integrate with all similar organizations and state institutions to achieve a quick and timely effect, constantly monitoring and reporting on the results achieved. The promotion of any action that will lead to the stabilization of society and the prevention of unnecessary panic, as well as indirect damage, is also a priority. This so-called system integrator of interstate, public, public and non-governmental organizations has the main goal to organize and support as efficiently as possible all available resources available to both the local society and the global international community. The presence of hundreds of organizations established in one or another area with such a focus is not enough due to the lack of sufficient connectivity, integration and a common crisis strategy. The lack of a common crisis action plan is the main reason for the ineffectiveness of otherwise good initiatives.
In this regard, the International Committee for Prevention of Global Disasters and Diseases will play a key role in disclosure, monitoring, connectivity, reporting, effective joint action and integration between different organizations, despite their differences, appointments and nature. Even in local crisis situations with theoretical potential for global impact, timely and objective assessment and development of urgent measures to limit current and potential damage is needed. The use of national and media resources must be both educational and training-oriented and informative-oriented to all potentially interested groups. Coordination and timely disclosure is the prevention that global society needs. The expectation of state institutions to solve every single problem is naive and unfounded. The state is mainly a regulator in society and does not have such a resource to solve problems of any kind. It is wrong to wait passively for the development of crisis situations and to rely on the limited resources of state power – this is the responsibility and duty of each of us and it is time for civil society to take the initiative for their own survival and prosperity. The fact is the unpreparedness of both the administrative apparatus and political unions, as well as the encapsulated public organizations in global crisis situations.