
COVID-19 Epidemiological Update - 27 October 2023

Globally, the number of new cases decreased by 42% during the 28-day period of 25 September to 22 October 2023 as compared to the previous 28-day period, with over half a million new cases reported. The number of new deaths decreased by 43% as compared to the previous 28-day period, with over 4700 new fatalities reported. As of 22 October 2023, over 771 million confirmed cases and over six million deaths have been reported globally.
In this edition, we include:
The COVID-19 epidemiological update at the global and regional levels.
An update on hospitalizations and ICU admissions.
An update on the SARS-CoV-2 variants of interest (VOI) and variants under monitoring (VUM).

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Situation Report –as received by WHO from national authorities by 10:00 CEST, 27 July 2020


This Thursday it will be six months since WHO declared COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

At today’s press briefing WHO Director-General Dr Tedros reiterated the basic measures that are needed to suppress transmission and save lives --to find, isolate, test and care for cases; and trace and quarantine their contacts.“Where these measures are followed, cases go down. Where they’re not, cases go up”. The Subject in Focus today highlights the Second Global Research and Innovation Forum which was hosted virtually by WHO on 1 and 2 July 2020. This followed on from the first forum held in February 2020. Approximately 1200 participants from nearly 100 countries convened to review the science, to establish what we know now that we didn’t know at the start of the pandemic, and to set priorities for the COVID-19 research agenda.
Situation in numbers (by WHO Region)

Total (new cases in last 24 hours) :

Globally 16 114 449 cases (254 274) 646 641 deaths (5 490)

Africa 712 920 cases (16 713) 11 900 deaths (192)

Americas 8 610 134 cases (150 089) 337 439 deaths (3 715)

Eastern Mediterranean 1 482 315 cases (12 336) 37 932 deaths (450)

Europe 3 234 043 cases (17 409) 210 518 deaths (257)

South-East Asia 1 786 145 cases (53 897) 40 615 deaths (829)

Western Pacific 288 151 cases (3 830) 8 224 deaths (47)